Wonderful News from Bayreuth!

Wonderful news from Bayreuth!....

….HQ of RWVI/Richard-Wagner-Verband-International/International Association of Wagner Societies!!

This is the mothership of Wagner Societies worldwide, to whom we had written an exploratory and introductory letter about TUNDI and our Tristan und Isolde in August, and this is what they wrote back...we are delighted, and have of course accepted with gratitude. Primarily, their response is an extraordinary validation of what we are about, and please let's all communicate enthusiastically about this particular success. We are being promoted from Bayreuth!

Here is their response letter:

Dear Mr Keelan

Thank you for your email, which has reached me in the first instance, as I am the web content manager for the RWVI.  I believe I can answer on behalf of President Eggers, and I am copying him on my response.

It was interesting to learn of your forthcoming production of Tristan and your passion for Wagner.  We are always very encouraged by such initiatives, especially in communities that don't have large and established opera houses, and wish you every success.  It is also a wonderful opportunity for young artists to sing Wagner roles.

May I also congratulate you on your excellent and informative website, to which I shall provide a link on our site.

As an organisation, I regret however that we are unable to sponsor or fund events of this kind.  May I suggest that you consult our website for your nearest Wagner Society and approach them for support.  You will find full contact details for the Societies listed.  We have a number of Wagner Societies in North America, and I am sure they will be interested to learn of your venture.

For my part, I will list your production in the events section of our website in the next few days and will mention it in our next newsletter, which is due out in June or July.

I hope this will be a great success and you will be encouraged to tackle other works by Wagner in the future.

With best wishes

Andrea Buchanan

Web Content Manager and Board Member, RWVI

Please know that TUNDI is in communication with Boston Wagner Society and planning is underway; I am looking to have a phone conversation with someone from Wagner Society of New York in next few days.

All systems go, with a great pat on the back from Bayreuth.

Warmly Hugh & Jenna

Here is the Link to their site! We are listed in their events calendar already!!!
