OuR Mission
We are dedicated to performing music that summons
the deepest emotions
and the most burning issues of being human
so people can experience transcendence, interact with the music and artists, and engage in their own creativity.
We bring all-encompassing art works to life so you can be immersed in the experience, lost in emotion and create a fulfilment that is only available through music.
We recognized a need for time and space for the continuing development of Wagnerian singers; enriching their exploration of a well-travelled role, or learning a new Wagnerian role, and an opportunity for new audiences to discover and experienced audiences to continue to discover and explore these all-encompassing works. Whether it is at an intimate exploratory Wagner concert or a large scale festival production, our audiences and artists can create an overwhelming, all-encompassing experience. We create enriching concerts, and our full productions at the 750 seat Latchis Theater have you right inside the action. These vast canvases can be experienced up close.
“Dies süße Wörtlein… und”- R.Wagner
Together, we can create anything.
A living document about how we see our mission
June 2020
In TUNDI's mission we tell you at the outset that “we are dedicated to performing music that addresses the most burning issues of being human”, and here we are in 2020, dealing with racial discrimination, its intractable, embedded injustice, its hatred and violence.
Our future is dependent on the diversity and growth of the people engaging with us, and we have no interest in performing works over and over again with unchallenged assumptions, no new exploration or commitment to diversity, no engagement with our most burning issues.
The all-encompassing artworks of Richard Wagner are TUNDI's materials. Wagner the man has come to embody, to an iconic degree, hatred of Jews: this is embedded in his personal and political history.
So all our work will tackle Wagner's embedded challenges. We at TUNDI will continue to train our actions and explorations on these “most burning issues” of racism and discrimination.
Our vision for TUNDI's constituencies:
For our audiences, and those interested in our work, we invite you to be:
Diverse and non-traditional; people who are willing to examine themselves and grow.
We are certain our performer colleagues are:
Diverse and non-traditional; committed as artists and individuals to breaking apart outmoded, unexamined, and corrupt, beliefs and systems. (This is foundational in The 'Ring' Cycle)
We deeply believe the community around us, and including us, to be:
Transformable; willing and wanting to live beyond discrimination, and capable of rigorously examining where discrimination remains.
September 2019
At TUNDI, we desire and aim to put these extraordinary artworks to work; to work in service of particular values.
Issues will arise for audience members and participants, about themselves, about community, society, the world.
At the heart of our explorations; Wagner’s explorations; the all-encompassing artworks themselves; and supporting activities; will be questions arising from The Ring Cycle:
Why are there differences, that actually drive our actions and behaviours, between ‘us’ and ‘them’?
more narrowly
How does it impact us to observe any form of discrimination?
more narrowly yet
What are the conditions of hatred and segregation we encounter in The Ring Cycle?
Are they the same or different from current conditions in our lives?
Have we changed, developed, evolved?
None of these questions can be answered ‘correctly’, nor with one or two words. Nor could any answer settle on a definitive solution, we strongly suspect. The questions do, however, open doors. When The Ring Cycle is performed, the doors open wider, and a locus for examination suddenly exists for the massive issues that humans share, with no possibility of simplistic answers.
We at TUNDI think we can have a massive impact, because Art at this level operates in ways that are not to do with persuasion, politicizing, coercion, argument, or messaging. The benefits of Art are in great part incommunicable and hard to measure.
While Wagner certainly does not communicate from the easiest form of entertainment, his mature works are a crucible for what TUNDI describes, and takes on, as: ‘The deepest emotions and the most burning issues of being human’. This fits the times we live in.