The grandest emotions, and the tenderest, for you to experience.
Great singers Jenna Rae, Kate Saik, Alan Schneider preview upcoming major productions and events, and live on the edge of their self-exploration as artists.
We promise rapture and delight.
Already, people are describing what we provide as a "spiritual experience" and "unbelievable."
$20 Tickets available online at eventbrite
Alternative cash at the door pricing:
RELUCTANT GUEST: Someone made me come here $5
CURIOUS ONE: I don’t really like Opera but I’m curious $10
BOOSTER: I like supporting local musicians no matter what they are doing $20
FAN: I like Opera AND I like supporting local musicians $25
FANATIC: I love Opera and I want to hear more of it here in the years to come $30- $500
All contributions are greatly appreciated!