Digital Program

Das Rheingold 22, 26 August

Die Walküre 23, 27 August

Due to illness, at the performance of Die Walküre on 27th August, the role of Ortlinde will be performed by Jennifer Carter. We send our best wishes and love to Laura McHugh.


At TUNDI, we desire and aim to put these extraordinary artworks to work; to work in service of particular values. 

Issues will arise for audience members and participants, about themselves, about community, society, the world. 

At the heart of our explorations; Wagner’s explorations; the all-encompassing artworks themselves; and supporting activities; will be questions arising from The Ring Cycle: 

Why are there differences, that actually drive our actions and behaviours, between ‘us’ and ‘them’?

more narrowly

How does it impact us to observe any form of discrimination?

more narrowly yet

What are the conditions of hatred and segregation we encounter in The Ring Cycle?

Are they the same or different from current conditions in our lives? 


Have we changed, developed, evolved?

None of these questions can be answered ‘correctly’, nor with one or two words. Nor could any answer settle on a definitive solution, we strongly suspect. The questions do, however, open doors. When The Ring Cycle is performed, the doors open wider, and a locus for examination suddenly exists for the massive issues that humans share, with no possibility of simplistic answers. 

We at TUNDI think we can have a massive impact, because Art at this level operates in ways that are not to do with persuasion, politicizing, coercion, argument, or messaging. The benefits of Art are in great part incommunicable and hard to measure. 

While Wagner certainly does not communicate from the easiest form of entertainment, his mature works are a crucible for what TUNDI describes, and takes on, as: ‘The deepest emotions and the most burning issues of being human’. This fits the times we live in. 

Hugh Keelan

Festival Orchestra



Jenna Rae - for company management and innumerable other things

Cornelia and Wallis Reid - for all their support

Veda Crewe - for costume alterations and creating the giant’s costumes

Todd Lyon - for designing and creating Alberich’s costumes

Kirk Eichelberger - for assisting with set and stage building and giant’s club creation

Michael Mayer - for assisting with giant’s club creation

Peter Gibbons - for providing equipment transportation

Lesley Cotter - for acting as our cast housing coordinator

Host Families - for welcoming and caring for our people

Peter Wilson - for being our Latchis Theatre liaison and lighting coordinator

The Latchis Theatre - for the space to perform

BMAC - for providing flashmob space

Thank you for joining us at the Wagner in vermont festival 2022

We have a wide selection of Wagner-themed events across this week, including lectures, workshops, discussions, and recitals. For more information take a look at our: